- distributed-parameter line
- линия с распределенными параметрами
the line — линия
bus line — линия шины
flow line — линия сязи
gate line — линия ворот
goal line — линия ворот
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology. 2005.
the line — линия
bus line — линия шины
flow line — линия сязи
gate line — линия ворот
goal line — линия ворот
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology. 2005.
distributed-parameter line — paskirstytųjų parametrų linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. distributed parameter line vok. Leitung mit verteilten Parametern, f rus. линия с распределёнными параметрами, f pranc. ligne à constantes réparties, f; ligne à paramètres … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Distributed parameter systems — A distributed parameter system (as opposed to a lumped parameter system) is a system whose state space is infinite dimensional. A body whose state is heterogeneous has a distributed parameter. It is usually described by partial differential… … Wikipedia
Distributed element model — Fig.1 Transmission line. The distributed element model applied to a transmission line. This article is an example from the domain of electrical systems, which is a special case of the more general distributed parameter systems. In electrical… … Wikipedia
Distributed element filter — Figure 1. A circuit featuring many of the f … Wikipedia
Distributed operating system — A distributed operating system is the logical aggregation of operating system software over a collection of independent, networked, communicating, and spatially disseminated computational nodes.[1] Individual system nodes each hold a discrete… … Wikipedia
Transmission line — This article is about the radio frequency transmission line. For the power transmission line, see electric power transmission. In communications and electronic engineering, a transmission line is a specialized cable designed to carry alternating… … Wikipedia
Two-line elements — Orbital parameter for the SGP4 model (or one of the SGP8, SDP4, SDP8 models) are determined for many thousands of space objects by NORAD and are freely distributed on the Internet in the form of TLEs by Celestrak (http://celestrak.com/). Here the … Wikipedia
Secure Server Line — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Informationen über SSL Change Cipherspec. Protocol, SSL Alert Protocol, SSL Application Data Protocol Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst … Deutsch Wikipedia
Leitung mit verteilten Parametern — paskirstytųjų parametrų linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. distributed parameter line vok. Leitung mit verteilten Parametern, f rus. линия с распределёнными параметрами, f pranc. ligne à constantes réparties, f; ligne à paramètres … Fizikos terminų žodynas
ligne à constantes réparties — paskirstytųjų parametrų linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. distributed parameter line vok. Leitung mit verteilten Parametern, f rus. линия с распределёнными параметрами, f pranc. ligne à constantes réparties, f; ligne à paramètres … Fizikos terminų žodynas
ligne à paramètres réparties — paskirstytųjų parametrų linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. distributed parameter line vok. Leitung mit verteilten Parametern, f rus. линия с распределёнными параметрами, f pranc. ligne à constantes réparties, f; ligne à paramètres … Fizikos terminų žodynas